Artist - Works


三宅 章介 /Japan


border on border
©Akiyoshi Miyake

©Akiyoshi Miyake

Glen Snyder /US


©Glen Snyder

©Glen Snyder

櫻井 宏哉 /Japan

2011年より毎年1本ずつ制作される『The Stream』ビデオシリーズの14作目。京都南部の作者の自宅と隣接する巨椋池干拓田と呼ばれる広大な田園地帯との出会いが契機となり制作が始まった。本シリーズでは、一貫して人工物に添う自然の美しさに焦点が当てられ、人間と自然の営みとしての「流れ」がバレエに見立てて表現されている。

The Stream XII-II
©Hiroya Sakurai

©Hiroya Sakurai

Andrew Tsang /Canada


Documenting Moments
©Andrew Tsang

©Andrew Tsang

ほんだ のりこ /Japan


©Noriko Honda

©Noriko Honda

草木 勝 /Japan


©Masaru Kusaki

©Masaru Kusaki

千代田 路子 /Japan


©Michiko Chiyoda

©Michiko Chiyoda

奥村久美子 /Japan

バウハウスの創立者ウォルター・グロピウス、作家のアガサ・クリスティをはじめ多くの著名文化人が居住していたロンドンの名建築「Isokon Flats」(1934年竣工、2003年改修)。改修前の荒廃した内部の痕跡から当時の人々の暮らしや記憶に結びつく空気をとらえた2002年撮影のシリーズ。

©Kumiko Okumura

©Kumiko Okumura

柴原 薫 /Japan


©KAO'RU Shibahara

©KAO'RU® Shibahara

三浦 健司 /Japan


©Kenji Miura

©Kenji Miura

takeshix /Japan




David Kendall /UK


Gone but Not Forgotten
©David Kendall

©David Kendall

髙村 啓子 /Japan


©Keiko Takamura

©Keiko Takamura

Barbara Wolff /Germany


©Barbara Wolff

©Barbara Wolff

相内 啓司 /Japan


©Keiji Aiuchi

©Keiji Aiuchi

村山 長 /Japan


©Hisashi Murayama

©Hisashi Murayama

HUMATIC Christian Graupner /Germany


[134] 01-03 Curtain
©HUMATIC Christian Graupner

©HUMATIC Christian Graupner


三宅 章介 /Japan


追憶の消失点ーvanishing point of recollectionー
©Akiyoshi Miyake

©Akiyoshi Miyake

ブノワ・デュピュイ /France


Action Painting
©Benoit Dupuis

©Benoit Dupuis

ブノワ・デュピュイ /France


Shooting People
©Benoit Dupuis

©Benoit Dupuis

叶野 千晶 /Japan


Hidden Christian Story
©Chiaki Kano

©Chiaki Kano

土井 弘介 /Japan


NYC. 奇跡の出会い
©Hirosuke Doi

©Hirosuke Doi

イェンツ・サンドハイム /Germany


Of Ants and Star Polyhedrons

©Jens Sundheim

角田 和夫 /Japan


シベリアへの旅路 ––わが父への想い
©Kazuo Sumida

©Kazuo Sumida

伊波 一志 /Japan


majimun lens 地名遊行
©Kazushi Iha

©Kazushi Iha

石﨑 幸治 /Japan


©Koji Ishizaki

©Koji Ishizaki

田村 美樹 /Japan


©Miki Tamura

©Miki Tamura

窪田 典子 /Japan


©Noriko Kubota

©Noriko Kubota

セバスチャン・C・クロフォード /Japan


©Sebastian C Crawford

©Sebastian C Crawford

佐藤 泰輔 /Japan


夢の中 | In a dream
©Taisuke Sato

©Taisuke Sato

佐藤 泰輔 /Japan


路上ライフ・スタイル | Street Lifestyle
©Taisuke Sato

©Taisuke Sato

榎本 八千代 /Japan


©Yachiyo Enomoto

©Yachiyo Enomoto

橋村 豊 /Japan


©Yutaka Hashimura

©Yutaka Hashimura


佐藤 泰輔 /Japan


「コウフクロン」/ Koufukuron – Eudaemonics
©Taisuke Sato

©Taisuke Sato

木内 雅貴 /Japan


©Masaki Kiuchi

©Masaki Kiuchi

石崎 幸治 /Japan


©Koji Ishizaki

©Koji Ishizaki

三宅 章介 /Japan


紫煙の残香ーResidual scent of purple smokeー
©Akiyoshi Miyake

©Akiyoshi Miyake


三宅 章介 /Japan


©Akiyoshi Miyake

©Akiyoshi Miyake

伊藤 英二郎 /Japan

パリで偶然通りかかった古物商ギャラリー «Yveline»。ギャラリーの持つ独特の雰囲気とマネキン達は、200年前のパリを偲ばせる。この場所は私たちに何を問うのか。版画家でもありアーティストでもある撮影者が、ますます時代が求めても求めきれない理想郷(平和と調和)の記憶の痕として、現代に問いかけようとした作品。

Yveline et moi
©Eijiro Ito

©Eijiro Ito

辻 巖 /Japan


©Iwao Tsuji

©Iwao Tsuji

地脇 準一 /Japan


©Junichi Chiwaki

©Junichi Chiwaki

石崎 幸治 /Japan


©Koji Ishizaki

©Koji Ishizaki

ナディア・ポルカール /France


©Nadia Porcar

©Nadia Porcar

西口直克 /Japan


Atypical Vegetables
©Naokatsu Nishiguchi

©Naokatsu Nishiguchi

石井 伸枝 /Japan


©Nobue Ishii

©Nobue Ishii

石田 省三郎 /Japan


©Shozaburo Ishida

©Shozaburo Ishida

ヴェロニク・ジュマール /France


©Véronique Joumard

©Véronique Joumard

増谷 寛 /Japan


©Yutaka Masutani

©Yutaka Masutani

Artist - Works


Akiyoshi Miyake /Japan

Border patterns were so conspicuous that criminals and infidels were forced to wear them, and sailors wore them to be easily detected in case of maritime accidents.Today, the border pattern has become a fast fashion must-have, and men and women, young and old, wear them borderless. This series by the artist finds the intersection of a sense of security that everyone else is wearing and the desire for approval to stand out.

border on border
©Akiyoshi Miyake

©Akiyoshi Miyake

Glen Snyder /US

The author initiated this project the day after a large typhoon hit the Kanto region on 12 October 2019. The typhoon caused extensive flooding and damage near where the author lives. This series features some of the 3,000 photographs taken from a single location along the Tama River bank over the three years which followed, documenting recovery and a return to normal everyday activities.

©Glen Snyder

©Glen Snyder

Hiroya Sakurai /Japan

This is the 14th film in The Stream video series, which has produced one film each year since 2011. The series, which was inspired by an encounter with a vast area of countryside called the Oguraike Reclaimed Land adjacent to the filmmaker's home in southern Kyoto, consistently focuses on the beauty of nature accompanying man-made structures, with the 'stream' as an activity of humans and nature expressed in the form of a ballet.

The Stream XII-II
©Hiroya Sakurai

©Hiroya Sakurai

Andrew Tsang /Canada

The series is part of a photographic project for the artist as well as a journal in which he expresses himself visually. It is an attempt to convey a visual narrative of encounters with different people in unique spontaneous moments they create on the spot, reflecting the artist’s perspective of life as a journey.

Documenting Moments
©Andrew Tsang

©Andrew Tsang

Noriko Honda /Japan

Since 2015, the artist has been expressing the idea of sisters, blood relatives, and other people's ties. This work is a series of works inspired by the illness of her younger sister, asking what paths people take when they face difficulties, how they gain the strength to live again, and how they revive the light of hope.

Reviving Light
©Noriko Honda

©Noriko Honda

Masaru Kusaki /Japan

This is a series of photographs of the people and streets of Shanghai at the time, produced by the artist who visited China every year from 1983 to 1989. The photographs, cut out as if they were scenes from a film, reveal the positive brightness of China, which at the time was in the process of developing economically.

©Masaru Kusaki

©Masaru Kusaki

Michiko Chiyoda /Japan

Following the loss of her mother, the artist embarked on numerous journeys to the sea and particularly to Mount Osore, creating works that re-experience memories with her mother. Through this process, she realized that the deceased are imprinted even more deeply in our hearts than when they were alive. The artist believes that memorial service to the dead represents a commitment to accepting and maintaining bonds with them. In this series, the process is described as a 'grieving process' with a sense of solitude and anticipation.

Starting a New Journey
©Michiko Chiyoda

©Michiko Chiyoda

Kumiko Okumura /Japan

Isokon Flats (completed in 1934, renovated in 2003) is a famous building in London where many famous cultural figures, including Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius and writer Agatha Christie, lived. This series of photographs taken in 2002 captures the atmosphere connected to the lives and memories of the people of the time through the traces of the dilapidated interiors before the renovation.

©Kumiko Okumura

©Kumiko Okumura

KAO'RU® Shibahara /Japan

Based on the theme of 'the fusion of forms created by nature and artifacts', the artist combined natural and man-made objects to create a subject that expresses the organisms and phenomena in the ideal land of his own creation, Boficca. Boficca is an ideal country where living creatures and nature live in harmony.

The Memoirs of Boficca
©KAO'RU Shibahara

©KAO'RU® Shibahara

Kenji Miura /Japan

In winter, the Tokachi region in eastern Hokkaido enjoys clear, sunny days day after day. The local people affectionately call this 'Tokachi-bare' (clear skies in Tokachi), and it has given rise to a climate in which people lead cheerful and vivacious lifestyles. However, rapid global warming from around 2022 is reducing these 'Tokachi-bare'. This work records the light that nurtures the temperament of the people of Tokachi.

©Kenji Miura

©Kenji Miura

takeshix /Japan

After joining a photography club while still in high school and taking his first steps towards making art, the artist studied film studies at a university in New York. His encounters with unique people there led him to look inside himself. This work is a self-portrait in the form of what the artist, who has worked as a television camera crew for the past 30 years, has built up over the years.

Soliloquy of My Blood


David Kendall /UK

This series investigates the visible effects of climate conditions on cities and societies (speed of movement between cities and interaction between people and transportation infrastructure). As a result, exploring how climatic change, memory and migration of people and vehicles in and around cities may be seen or unseen through photography.

Gone but Not Forgotten
©David Kendall

©David Kendall

Keiko Takamura /Japan

This series captures the two-dimensional world of light and shadow that the artist saw as she roamed the streets of Tokyo, her base of work, during a period when she was afraid to go away from home due to COVID-19. In the two-dimensional world created by shadows everywhere, a world different from the real world seems to emerge.

Urban buoyancy
©Keiko Takamura

©Keiko Takamura

Barbara Wolff /Germany

This series is a black and white time capsule documenting life in the village of Hutha in the former German Democratic Republic between 1977 and 1980. The people who lived in the small community farmed, held official elections. During the vacations, however, children from the city came to Hutha. The children there practiced democracy in Hutha in a playful way, which was practically a skeleton in the politics of the time.

©Barbara Wolff

©Barbara Wolff

Keiji Aiuchi /Japan

The work begins with a reconsideration of photographs documenting everyday events that the artist once encountered. The photographs capture a moment, but at the same time show that there was an uncaptured time between the photograph taken at the next moment. The artist conceived of a film as an animated documentary that would connect the uncaptured time with his imagination.

©Keiji Aiuchi

©Keiji Aiuchi

Hisashi Murayama /Japan

This series of works consists of photographs of people and landscapes that the artist, who had been travelling to see the sights he had yet to see in an unknown city, encountered during his journey. In the depths of the moments discovered and created between reality and unreality, the artist confronts his own ego and identity.

©Hisashi Murayama

©Hisashi Murayama

HUMATIC Christian Graupner /Germany

The triptych shows a fence in a plantation area near Pozo Izquierdo, Gran Canaria. An initiative was launched in that region to clear large areas from huge amounts of plastic waste and thus provide temporary work for the many unemployed there. A life-threatening migration route from Africa to Europe leads through the Canary Islands.

[134] 01-03 Curtain
©HUMATIC Christian Graupner

©HUMATIC Christian Graupner


Akiyoshi Miyake /Japan

Kyo machiya --- A traditional wooden building built before 1950 in Kyoto. Although they have been passed down through several generations, 800 of them have been demolished each year in recent years, gradually disappearing from the town. Known as "eel beds," Kyo machiya houses have a narrow frontage facing the street, and even after demolition, traces of the narrow frontage remain on the walls of the neighboring buildings. This series captures two perspectives, left and right, that converge toward infinity, while evoking the activities of the people who once lived there.

Vanishing Point of Recollection
©Akiyoshi Miyake

©Akiyoshi Miyake

Benoit Dupuis /France

At the end of 2020, a massive demonstration took place in Hong Kong. This is a series of photographs of slogans left by demonstrators calling for democracy on billboards placed at tram stops throughout Hong Kong. The slogans on the billboards were cleaned up the next day, and written again, then erased again... until it became impossible to tell what was written on them. This is a trace of the confrontation between the demonstrators and the police.

Action Painting
©Benoit Dupuis

©Benoit Dupuis

Benoit Dupuis /France

This series, capturing the youth living in the city in 2008, will take you back to the days before COVID. : After the COVID pandemic started in 2020, people wore masks in their daily lives, which made it difficult to take photos like this for several years. “Will days like this ever return, or will we live with masks on forever?"

Shooting People
©Benoit Dupuis

©Benoit Dupuis

Chiaki Kano /Japan

This work was created during the artists’ visit to the Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture in 2021, and then to the Sotome area of Nagasaki City in 2022 to photograph a statue of the Kannon of Mary that belonged to the Hidden Christians*. She met the seventh generation of the Hidden Christian and also came into contact with their way of life and the history of their faith.
*“Hidden Christians” is a modern term for a member of the Catholic Church in Japan that went underground at the start of the Edo period in the early 17th century due to Christianity's repression by the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Hidden Christian Story
©Chiaki Kano

©Chiaki Kano

Hirosuke Doi /Japan

In 1971, the artist left Japan without a plan and drifted to New York City via Canada. One day, a friend who had been an assistant to Irving Penn introduced him to Helmut Newton, and he ended up working as a short-term assistant for him. He became friends with Jeffrey Holder, an actor and dancer with whom he worked, and through his introduction, met celebrities such as Jimmy Carter and Andy Warhol, whom he captured in his works.

NYC: Miraculous Encounter
©Hirosuke Doi

©Hirosuke Doi

Jens Sundheim /Germany

This is a photograph of a landscape of the complex facility of Ruhr University in Bochum and the scientific models on campus. The work approaches the complexity of human knowledge and explores its visibility through photography, a tool that allows us to explore the world in the same way that science does. The repeated geometric forms allude to the multilayered interplay between the natural world and the cultural sphere in the study of science.

Of Ants and Star Polyhedrons

©Jens Sundheim

Kazuo Sumida /Japan

This series consists memoirs of the artist’s father, who passed away in 1987 at the age of 67. His father’s journey starts from his arrival in Manchuria as a volunteer soldier in 1937, his internment in Siberia after Japan's defeat in 1945, and ends in his return to home. The book is a record of his father’s journey, capturing the simple life of the local people.

A Journey to Siberia: To My Father
©Kazuo Sumida

©Kazuo Sumida

Kazushi Iha /Japan

“Majimun" is a general term for demons handed down in the Ryukyu Arc, and "lens" literally means "lens" of a camera as well as "lens of the eye”. In addition, this work specializes in subjects with place names and locations that have meaning. Using a camera that can only capture visible light, in other words, only what is actually there, this series attempts to capture concrete objects that lie on the boundaries of "the afterlife and the current world," "death and alive," and "the past and the present”.

Majimun Lens: A Tour of Geographics
©Kazushi Iha

©Kazushi Iha

Koji Ishizaki /Japan

Following in the footsteps of Cézanne, who composed his images from multiple viewpoints, and Picasso, who combined disparate perceptions from various perspectives into a single image, this series of photographs records familiar landscapes from multiple viewpoints using the camera's built-in function to shoot the screen in five separate shots. Rather than the usual landscape photographs that give us a sense of déjà vu, these works express unique scenes from new perspectives.

Multi-Perspective Landscape Photography
©Koji Ishizaki

©Koji Ishizaki

Miki Tamura /Japan

This series was photographed using cut flowers in their "dead" state to express the beauty of flowers. The color of the mysterious and beautiful berries is reflected in the photographs, showing that the cut flowers are not dead, but are alive and have become berries. This series gives us a sense of fear and beauty at the same time, as if a dead woman were carrying a baby.

Scattered Flowers in Paradise
©Miki Tamura

©Miki Tamura

Noriko Kubota /Japan

The artist, who works in the medical field of psychiatry and shoots daily in the forest, focuses on the small existence of nature that sustains life in its own place in this series. The work depicts a world in which something, however small, feeds something else and circulates, while capturing the breath of the things that make up the forest and are rooted in the earth.

©Noriko Kubota

©Noriko Kubota

Sebastian C Crawford /Japan

Sebastian C. Crawford captures a few dozen minutes of scenery on his way to and from work to discover the beauty of form that lies hidden in everyday life.
The view from the train window is the same every day, but the interior of the train differs depending on the time of sunrise and sunset. The buildings also look like living creatures or even as if they have personalities, depending on the difference in the rays of light.

©Sebastian C Crawford

©Sebastian C Crawford

Taisuke Sato /Japan

This work is based on the artist's own view of gender as a different perspective from the world in which people are calling for liberation from gender discrimination. Having only male siblings and being in a managerial position in a company, the artist categorized women and felt that the relationship between men and women was not flat, even in interpersonal relationships. Using cyanotype prints, which are developed and toned after numerous alterations such as the application of paint, the artist presents his own image of women that transcends the subject matter, as if they were in a dream.

In a dream
©Taisuke Sato

©Taisuke Sato

Taisuke Sato /Japan

This is a story of homeless people living under the elevated Nagoya Expressway No. 2 Higashiyama Line in the center of Nagoya City, sheltering from the rain. How did they become homeless, why are they stuck, or why do they continue to be homeless? The artist, who has visited their "home" and shared the same time with them, depicts the essence of their humanity and the human nature behind their emotions.

Street Lifestyle
©Taisuke Sato

©Taisuke Sato

Yachiyo Enomoto /Japan

The artist, who lost her only son at a young age in an accident and could not accept the fact, created this series in order to confront the memory of "loss" through photographing his belongings. While this is a confrontation with "loss," it also signifies the liberation of the artist's own life from the "relics”. By presenting these works, the artist leaves proof that the owner of the "relics" was alive.

©Yachiyo Enomoto

©Yachiyo Enomoto

Yutaka Hashimura /Japan

Born and raised in an area rich in nature, the artist observed and photographed the effects of global warming in his immediate surroundings. He encountered "terrestrial" (earth, ground), which is neither global nor local, the third new concept proposed by French philosopher Bruno Latour, and he began to observe and photograph the "thin film of the earth" where everything related to life on the earth is happening. Through his fieldwork, he continues to find and record the breakdown of the "thin film of the earth" where everything related to life on the planet is happening.

©Yutaka Hashimura

©Yutaka Hashimura


Taisuke Sato /Japan

A sense of loneliness, being lost, isolation, depression, jealousy… These are some of the miseries we experience living in the modern society. Overcoming his own experiences with these feelings, the theme of this project, the artist has captured the scenery of Japan from a more tender and objective perspective.

Koufukuron – Eudaemonics
©Taisuke Sato

©Taisuke Sato

Masaki Kiuchi /Japan

The artist looks back the days when he could travel around the world from the symmetrical life completely changed by the pandemic. His collection of travelogues captures the local background of the time, such as smell, sound, humidity, wind, time, and social conditions.

©Masaki Kiuchi

©Masaki Kiuchi

Koji Ishizaki /Japan

“As the chances of remembering the past increase over the years, bitter memories are reminded more so often,” says the artist. He expresses every day life as if you were watching a movie where scenes from the past and present alternate with the scenery from both mixed together.

©Koji Ishizaki

©Koji Ishizaki

Akiyoshi Miyake /Japan

This is a collection of street views with the lingering flavor of Showa era. Now that the health hazards of smoking have been revealed, it highlights the ironic relationship between Japan's stagnant economic condition and a sense of impermanence about a past to which we can no longer turn back.

Residual scent of purple smoke
©Akiyoshi Miyake

©Akiyoshi Miyake


Akiyoshi Miyake /Japan

When walking through the town of Kyoto, people come across the sight of traces of the roof of a neighboring house that once existed on the wall of a building facing a vacant lot. It reminds us of the daily life that might have been run under the roof. Following the techniques of Becher and his wife, the German photographers in the 1970s, these traces were photographed using typological techniques with as little lyricism as possible.

Typology for Traces of Gable Roofs
©Akiyoshi Miyake

©Akiyoshi Miyake

Eijiro Ito /Japan

The photographer happened to pass by an antique gallery «Yveline» in Paris. The unique atmosphere of the gallery and the mannequins are reminiscent of Paris 200 years ago. What does this place tell of us? This work asks the present age with a trace of the memory of Utopia(Peace and Harmony), which cannot be sought even if the times demand it.

Yveline et moi
©Eijiro Ito

©Eijiro Ito

Iwao Tsuji /Japan

Nara Park, where the number of tourists has dropped sharply due to the effects of the COVID-19. As a result, deer who are no longer fed as before are becoming thinner and thinner, which has a serious impact on their nutritional status. This work is a series of photographs of deer trying hard to live in such a difficult situation.

We are all doing our best
©Iwao Tsuji

©Iwao Tsuji

Junichi Chiwaki /Japan

A series of photographs of poultry farms that were left in their original condition for a decade after the HPAI broke out in Tamba-cho, Funai-gun, Kyoto Prefecture in 2004. There was no report from the managers, but an anonymous phone call to inform the increasing of dead chickens, an outbreak of an infectious disease at poultry processing plants, slaughter and burial of 220,000 chickens... A record of the "scene reminiscent of the incident" captured by the photographer who was the director of the Livestock Hygiene Center at that time.

The site 10 years later (the outbreak of bird flu)
©Junichi Chiwaki

©Junichi Chiwaki

Koji Ishizaki /Japan

A series of photographs taken in pursuit of the photographer's own aesthetic sense in the present age when taking pictures is no longer a special technique. What kind of world is the one and only photographic world that everyone feels strange or beautiful? All photos are taken with a single shutter, not composite.

The world created by gravity and the surface tension
©Koji Ishizaki

©Koji Ishizaki

Nadia Porcar /France

A series taken during a trip to Cameroon in the summer of 2019. On this trip, the photographer's first visit to Africa, she met her father and realized something like her roots. This work is a record of her stay in Cameroon, showing energetic people and colorful scenery.

©Nadia Porcar

©Nadia Porcar

Naokatsu Nishiguchi /Japan

Vegetables that you usually see look different when viewed from various angles. It may be the face of a person or something, or an unknown creature coming from an alien planet. The photographer shot this work to capture the various aspects of these vegetables, which sometimes look grotesque, as faithfully and precisely as possible.

Atypical Vegetables
©Naokatsu Nishiguchi

©Naokatsu Nishiguchi

Nobue Ishii /Japan

A series that focuses on the "connection" between people through the lens the moment the shutter is released. The relationship between the subject and the photographer can be established with any person by pointing the camera. This moment of eye-to-eye contact and exposing oneself to each other is a momentary connection, but a sure connection.

People and me through the lens
©Nobue Ishii

©Nobue Ishii

Shozaburo Ishida /Japan

One of the works produced by installing a pinhole camera on the window of a running train or bus, exposing it to 120 film (9 x 6), and digitally processing the scanned data. The image formed on the film during the exposure process is nothing but a collection of scenery that can be seen from the window of the vehicle. By accumulating and comparing natural and artificial light, this work asks what the light in the civilization is.

©Shozaburo Ishida

©Shozaburo Ishida

Véronique Joumard /France

These photographic sequences come from albums made during various stays in Japan, mainly during a residence of several months at the Villa Kujoyama (an artist-in-residence) in Kyoto in 1996, and the preparation of an exhibition at Ashiya City Museum in 1998. These are Japanese moments, seen by a French woman, classified chronologically where events, places sometimes juxtapose.

Japanese Impression
©Véronique Joumard

©Véronique Joumard

Yutaka Masutani /Japan

As getting older, it became easier to be alone. The photographer captured "faces" that exist everywhere in life. He can't hear their voice, but it seems that those "faces" have some sign and are thinking. They are always close to him and will take care of him. This work shows us a record of uncountable faces in our lives.

Who? Uncountable faces
©Yutaka Masutani

©Yutaka Masutani
